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Wells, H. G: The island of Dr. Moreau.
Medienart: book2.png
Autor:Wells, H. G
Titel:The island of Dr. Moreau
Verlag:New York: Bantam
Signatur:R 01 Wel FSR BIB (Englisch)
Schlagworte:Survival after airplane accidents, shipwrecks, etc ; Animal experimentation ; Islands
Reihe:Bantam classic
Umfangsangabe:xiii, 140 S.
Exemplarzahl:2 Exemplare, 2 verfügbar, 0 verliehen
Barcode:1580, 1583
Medien-Status:2 verleihbar
Annotation:Written in 1896, The Island of Dr. Moreau is one of the earliest scientific romances. An instant sensation, it was meant as a commentary on Darwin’s theory of evolution, which H. G. Wells stoutly believed. The story centers on the depraved Dr. Moreau, who conducts unspeakable animal experiments on a remote tropical island, with hideous, humanlike results. Edward Prendick, an English-man whose misfortunes bring him to the island, is witness to the Beast Folk’s strange civilization and their eventual terrifying regression. While gene-splicing and bioengineering are common practices today, readers are still astounded at Wells’s haunting vision and the ethical questions he raised a century before our time.
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